Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Week 14 Reading Diary: European cont.

This weeks reading diary is still a part of the European reading units.  I decided to look at the Brothers Grimm section.  I went with the stories from Librivoxwhich is one of the four different versions on the Grimm tales.

Reading B:

1. The Queen Bee
-This was an interesting story about three brothers. Two of the three brothers were normal looking and handsome, while the third brother was described as an insignificant dwarf.  When in reality he is the one who wins it all.

2.The Twelve Huntsman
-I have never read this story before.  You can tell it is an older story because the king wanted his son to marry a certain women.  It makes me sad to think about all of the women in our world today that don't have a choice on who they want to be with.

3. Jorinda and Jorindel
-I thought this story was a little bit silly.  Why was this fairy so mean to anyone who came to close to her castle?  and Jorinda and Jorindel had just warned themselves to not go near the castle, but yet they got caught anyways.

4. The Fox and the Horse
-How sad that the farmer turned away his servant until he was stronger.  Why not just make him strong yourself? Ahh but as I keep reading I see that the horse had the help from a fox to trick the man.

5. The Twelve Dancing Princesses
-This was also silly story. Really no meaning behind it beside the king wanting to know what his daughters did. I thought it was crazy that he killed the men who couldn't find it out in three days.. like why kill them?! They were just trying to help you out.

6. The Turnip
-This is a typical story about a good brother and a bad brother.  Where eventually the bad brother gets what he has coming.

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