Saturday, January 30, 2016

Week 2- StorybookTopics

For my first topic I’m interested in is the Brothers Grimm (Crane) unit, and out of that unit I focused on reading B the story of “Snow-White”.  I am interested in any story that comes from the Grimm brothers, I think that it is because growing up I was obsessed with fairy tales, and Snow White just happens to be my second favorite fairy tale.  I of course have seen the original fairly tale movie, and have read from the Brothers Grimm book about her story. 

My second topic has to deal with my most favorite princess of all times, sleeping beauty.  Her story comes from Brother Grim (Librivox) unit and is tiled “Briar Rose.”  This story strays a bit from the Sleeping Beauty fairly tale I am used to, and it was interesting to learn more about how the 13th fairy didn't get an invite and this is why she become upset and cursed Briar.  I love reading any and every version of this story so hopefully the more digging I do the more I can learn about this story. 

The third story I looked over was completely new to me.  The story came from part of the Celtic Fairy Tales (2) unit, I picked the story “Dream of Owen O’Mulready”.  I was looking for Irish stories and the title of this one caught my eye.  I love to hear people talk about their dreams, and it’s even more fun to try and analyze them, I even own a book that helps explain why people have certain dreams.  This story was interesting, but I’m still looking for my Irish stories.   

Looking for more Irish stories I stuck with Celtic Fairy Tales (1) unit, and found the story “King O’Toole and His Goose”.  I am interested in stories from this area because I will be living a month in Ireland this summer so I thought it would be cool to do some learning about their Mythology and Folklore stories.  I found this story pretty interesting, but I think I still want something more related more to Ireland. 

I did some research on all of these topics through different Google searchings and Wikipedia.  I am a little more interested in the dark side of the Brothers Grimm stories, so that is what I have started to look for and read about.  I’m still trying to research and find more about the Irish stories though Google and Wikipedia websites. i am also pretty interested in Mermaid stories so as I search through different topic titles and old storybooks I hope to read some interesting stories there.  

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