I think that learning by H.E.A.R.T. could be one of the most important lessons someone could learn. I have struggled with each of these areas with my time here at OU, but I have also learned how important each of these are areas can be. Each of these areas have great importance, but I believe that learning about time has help me most with my success at OU. I have always had a full semester of classes while also having a job, and recently I have had to manage two jobs. I work as a swim instructor for OU and have had to plan my own lessons while also planning out when to study for each of my classes. In my opinion to manage time takes years of practice to grasp the concept, and without time management skills our lives could always feel rushed, or we could end up missing important dates for different events. I like to think that time reflects most on all of the other areas of H.E.A.R.T. when we can't learn how to manage time that could easily cut into our sleeping habits (health), our happiness, it has the ability to decrease our reading time or attention span because of tiredness. So, the advise I have for someone coming into college is to not put to much on their plate that can't be managed with time, and to remember that all aspects of H.E.A.R.T. are important for your growth in life. 

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