Thursday, March 31, 2016

Week 10 Reading Diary; Tejas Legends

Tejas Legends Reading B

Why Hummingbirds Drink Only Dew
-Hummingbirds do not drink water like others birds, they actually drink flower nectar.  Intersting that they drink their body weight or more in nectar each day.
The Maiden Who Loved a Star
-"Life is too great a gift tone flung aside" I love this quote! I also like how at the end of the story the maiden and the sky youth ended up together.

Old Quanah's Gift
-I love how the blanket maker used herbs, roots, and flowers to make the dye for the color of the blankets.  I also liked how he didn't make any blankets alike.  I would love to see how beautiful this blanket was with the sun shinning bright in the middle. Also it was really cool that they decided the blanket maker was the one who should have the blanket.

How Sickness Entered the World
How were the boys suppose to know that the snake was the messenger. I feel that they should have been told that before hand and then maybe they wouldn't have killed him out of fear, and the spirit wouldn't be angry, and there would still be no sickness.

Why the Irises Hold Hands
-Story about a flood that was sent by an angry God to destroy a proud people.  It reminded me of the flood our God sent, but of course his was for another reason than to destroy someone proud. Intrerting turn around.

The Pecan Tree's Best Friend
-A good story about learning how important is to take time out of your own day to do something for someone else. It reminds you and is good practice to not be selfish and more selfless.

When The Rainbow Was Torn
-I liked how the described a rainbow with all the different types of flowers on the cactus.

Paisano, Hater of the Rattlesnake
-A nasty story about two characters who do awful things back and forth to each other just out of spite.

Maidens Who Broke a Drought
-The plant in this story is a plant that grows there is a lot of moisture. For example a runoff in a river canyon or gulch.

The Cottonwood Remembers
-Interesting story about why cottonwood trees produce cottony fluff that allows its seeds to travel for a long way on the wind before falling to the ground.

Why the Dog's Ears Flop
-This was not what I expected to read when I read the title. It was actually really sad to why the dogs have floppy ears.

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